Saturday, September 15, 2007

Thanks To Sam......

.....Thanks to Sam who recommended this book which I found interesting reading particularly in this beautiful Yellowstone setting.

The book is a practical guide to living green.....or "greener."

It offers a rationale and practical steps for being a smart consumer and being kinder to the planet.

One tiny suggestion for we "earth inhabitants" is to recycle as much as we can. Pat has done this for years including hunting down this local recycling center to deposit our trip recycleables.

.......our Brother (Bob) and Sister (Claudia) have a section of highway they keep clean and have been excellent examples of reducing litter and having an attitude of planet care!

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Gluten Free Gourmet said...

Go Pat!!! Always thinking of others.

I recycle too. I wish everyone did. Every time I see a landfill I just cringe...

Pastorwes said...

I have been recylcing for years. I mow my yard and the clippings fall down into the grass and they become dirt eventually!

Gluten Free Gourmet said...

Wow, didn't know the term for grass blades to dust was "Recylcing". "Recycling", however, is keep to the preservation of our environment... ;)

sam-a-lama-ding-dong said...

The reason we wanted Willie to read, and "live", this book is because changing our "over-consumption" habits, starts with our community leaders; and Willie and Pat are true community leaders.
Recycling is awesome,and a good start, but it's a lot more than that.
We hope, for the future of our planet, that everyone decides to reduce their consumption habits, embrace the World Changing philosophy, and realize that we only get one Earth.

Please feel free to enjoy this small snippet.

And feel free to educate yourselves, as Willie, Pat, and so many others that care about our planet are doing, by buying this book:

Pastorwes said...

Grass Clippings to mulch. One of the earliest forms of recycling. I hate over-consumption and have been looking for a way to downsize my "normal" American life.

We eat too much and buy too much and hoard too much and consume too much.