Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Quiet and Unassuming..???

In yesterday's edition of the Newark Advocate there appeared an article about the new Licking Valley High School Principal. The first words of the article were indeed descriptive....

Here is the article in its entirety......

HANOVER -- Quiet and unassuming, Licking Valley High School Principal Wes Weaver recently received an award from his National Guard unit and is in the running for a state award.
Getting him to talk about it was not an easy task. He would rather talk about his unit and its wonderful track record and commendations.

"I feel my Guard unit is a very high performance unit, as they have won the outstanding unit award for all units, including Air Force," Weaver said. "That has happened three times since I've been in the unit. This is very gratifying to win this award because there are a lot of quality people in the unit."
Weaver received the senior noncommissioned officer of the year honor for the Air National Guard 121st Air Refueling Wing, out of Rickenbacker Air Base. He works in avionics, which maintains all electronic equipment on the planes. Weaver was nominated for the award by his supervisor because of the leadership he has shown.
"We've trained a lot of new young personnel in my shop the past few years," Weaver said. "I feel I was able to bring my experience as a supervisor and a teacher as I work with a lot of younger guys, who are only 18, 19 and 20 years old -- a group that I can identify with, as I work with a very similar age in my day job."
This is his 21st year in the Air National Guard. Weaver was 17 and had just graduated from Licking Valley High School when he joined the military. Since that time, he has traveled to 25 countries and been deployed four times during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The longest time he has been away from home is 45 days.
"When I joined, I did it for the college money, the tuition assistance," Weaver said. "Then I found out I loved it. It's a great organization to be a part of."
Weaver and his wife, Cheryl, live in the Valley area with their daughters, Zoe, 11, and Addy, 9. Weaver also has a stepdaughter, Chelsey, 22.
His current enlistment is up in January 2009, and he is not sure if he will re-enlist. There are several guys from Licking Valley in his unit, including Clay Davis, Brian Carpenter and others. "I will see how it goes," Weaver said. "I have seen so many foreign countries that I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. I may stay in longer if I am able."

Is this the "quiet unassuming" person we've come to know and love...... ???? You be the judge.....

.......at any rate..................


Megan Hofacker said...

What a wonderful article about Wes! I can't think of anyone more deserving. Congratulations Wes and thank you so much for putting in so many years of protecting our freedom. We are forever in your debt. That goes for Cheryl too! We love you and miss you all!

Beth said...

Yes, congratulations to Wes - and kudos to the proud parents who did their level best to raise him right. Worked out pretty well, eh?

Gluten Free Gourmet said...

Life father, like son...

congratulations to both. This is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

They must not be speaking of OUR Wes Weaver....Quiet and Unassuming, eh?
Glad we know him a bit better than she does :) What an honor to say that's my nephew !
I sent the Advocate article to Meg & Sam. I didn't know if they'd see it otherwise guess they did tho'
Love CJ

holly_michelle said...

Good for him!! What an honor!