Monday, April 09, 2007

Wes told the board that it was with great humility that he takes the responsibility of leading the school he attended and at which he taught. Mr Barr, the man on the left commented, "We hated it when you left [to go to Utica] and we're glad that you've come back to lead..." To which Wes responded, "I never really left, I just live across the street!" Adele had told Wes when it came time to speak to use the fruit speech. When asked what that was she said, "Grape to be hear....lettuce now talk!"

His new environs starting this summer....

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Anonymous said...

That Adele is a treat. A mighty "sweet treat" at that !
I hope someone keeps a journal of her quips. They are priceless.

Megan Hofacker said...

That is histerical Addy! What a cutie! We miss you all so much!

Gluten Free Gourmet said...

How way cool is this? Keep it all in the family, as they say!