This is the first post I have made without a picture but I want to remain consistent in getting my thoughts out there in cyberspace for the world to see...and as part of my legacy. I've thought through my motive for doing this bloging thing and there are a number of factors including but not limited to the following:
- It's a way of staying in touch with my family and those interested in my life as I am interested in theirs
- I enjoy reading the blog sites of others in my realm especially my children so I feel the need to "contribute" to the celestial dialog
- It helps me process the "stuff that really matters" in my life
I have had a very good day today.
SPIRITUALLY - I thorougly enjoyed this morning's church service on the importance of others. It's all about relationships down here on the planet!
MENTALLY - This concludes about the 10th email or posting I have made to contribute to projects I am involved with that I think are important.
PHYSICALLY - After church I went to the Advantage Club where I multi tasked by working out all during the time I watched the Pittsburg/Indianopolis NFL game. I have lost 4 pounds on the week and our team has lost 26.3 pounds! I am feeling noticeably better and look forward to the prep work I must do this week to ready myself for the presentation of a 7 Habits class for the Clow water Company on Friday, a Church Leadership meeting and Marriage retreat coming up soon. And so as the ol clock prepares to strike 12 and I retire to our quarters....I bid you all a fond good night.
"Good night Mrs. Calabash....wherever you are..... "
(You win a prize if you can tell me who used to say that at the end of his television show!)