Saturday, March 01, 2008

While On Our Trip To California Pat And I Reflected On How Little Time We've Had To Be With Our "Newark" Granddaughters.......SOOOO... Adele mentioned that her teacher who is doing a unit on transportation in Ohio suggeseted that her Grandpa might take her out to do research on the history of Route 40.....The National least this is an approximate version of Addy's interpretation of what her teacher said......SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO......... seizing the opportunity to spend time with Addy..........Out we did go with binoculars and notebook to find historic remnants of this historic road......and maybe find some beauty out around Dawes.

..........Here Addy spots the first of a series of road signs that used to tell conestoga wagon drivers and later..... model T drivers........... far they were from Cumberland Gap, Maryland, and how far it was to either Columbus going West or Wheeling and Zanesville going East...........

..........this trip was not without the challenge of cold blowing weather conditions I might add (for the sake of Mrs. Fee who will be seeing and reading this blog which will stand as the proof of the effort we put forth to carry out her directive!!

..........and on we pressed.........together..........
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1 comment:

cj and ubee said...

I hope she doesn't miss a question on the test but....I believe the cumberland here is Cumberland Md not the Cumberland Gap which is in Tenn. :)
Maybe sometime they will go to the "Zane Grey Museum" just beyond Ztown. It is not open all the time but it is more a study of the National Rd than the author. Well done display.
She looks so tall...she must be standing on a pile of rocks
Love AC