Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wonderful Saturday

It started this morning with a cup of coffee and some blogging and blog watching. You might want to catch The Zoe and Addy Show here. Or check out new posts of the French Grandchild here. Then it was off to the tennis courts for an appintment with Kayla and Kenna to sharpen our game.

It took a while to return to the form blog readers are used to seeing......and as for the sweats.....necessary for the cold windy conditions.'ll just have to wait till summer for those shirtless shots!

.....the girls await the POWER serve......

.......Kayla, a Newark Wildcat tennis team stand out, shows the form that will one day have her competing at Wimbleton. After this I proceded to the YMCA for h head to head raquetball match with 48 year old former three sport athlete Kelly Walker. I'll leave the results to your imagination but suffice to say it netted me a delicious lunch at Ruby Tuesdays!
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