Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Weaver Boys and the Williams Girls

As I was looking at these recent shots I was reminded again of what a gold mine we Weaver boys struck when through God's providence we happened on the girls of 606 Edgemont Rd. Bob and Claudia, Bill and Pat have been together about 40 years and still ticking. As couples we have gone through various phases of life but as we grow older we continue to draw closer. After all....we have a lot in common! My brother is also my brother-in-law and and Claudia is my sister-in-law twice.......or something like that!

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Gluten Free Gourmet said...

It sure seems weird when you say it!!! But when you think about it, how very cool!!!

Nice pics!

And a big thank you to Pat for last night's dinner. It was such a treat and as always, she thinks of everything!!

cj and ubee said...

Yes, we have been together for a lot of years. It seems funny when someone asks how long we have been together and I guess for Bob and I it started when was going in the
8th grade and he was in the 9th. You were in the 11th ? Ahh the gym jams at the YMCA You are probably spinning in that room now or working on the weight machines.
Bob always tells people that "Bill said Pat ahs a sister, why don't you come with me?"
PS..could you erase some of my Hughes wrinkles with photoshop next time :)
We love yous

Kirby Hasseman said...

Great pics...and great stuff. May you always be the target Amy and I strive to hit!

Megan Hofacker said...

Great pictures of all of you! Wow 40 yrs? your really getting old Dad! Just kidding. What amazes me most about you and mom is that life just gets better and better for both of you because you choose to live it to the fullest. I admire you both so much and am so thankful to have such a wonderful example of marriage to mirror mine after. We love you dearly!

Seth and Heather said...

Awww! You guys sure are cute cuoples!!! And I'm with Meg.. your truly inspirational!!