Friday, August 24, 2007

Camping Thoughts.....

As I layed there in the tent this morning at 5 AM listening to the crows and mocking bird and jays, I was reflecting about what it is about camping I/we like. We have camped here for over 30 years missing only a few years recently. We brought our kids here to learn to ride their bikes, tube, swim and hike. I saw a little girl with training wheels this morning and she looked like Meg at that same stage of life!

Our kids met other kids here at the Commisary and formed friendships. We have met so many wonderful "neighbors" over the years. One family group we met because we would hear them singing hymns around the campfire. They were from Baltimore, Maryland and ended up coming to hear me speak at a church there. Camping is about networking with interesting people you've never met over coffee.

Camping is awakening in the morning to the smell of coffee and fresh air. It is about chatting with your spouse about kids, the weather or whatever comes to mind. When we had kids with us it was about communicating our values through the medium of setting up camp, bikeing or just being together. This trip we have friends and kids coming. We can't wait to share stories and laughter and time.
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Megan Hofacker said...

Oh I remember that commisary well. Meeting kids their to play arcade games or just getting a snack to tide us over until mom's delicious dinners. And definitely waking up every morning just hearing mom out at the stove making us fluffy french toast, what a comfort it was to hear your voices and to smell those smells. Knowing that that day would hold another grand "Weaver" adventure! Thank you so much for those wonderfully fond memories!

cj and ubee said...

Your blog brought back memories and then a trip upstairs to an old album. Check out our blog :)
AC & UBee