Thursday, January 25, 2007

Our Hollywood Connection...Ben Hits The Big Time!

As many of you know our son Sam (not to be confused with Son of Sam!) has been involved in two movies and Ben Parillo is a good friend of his. We met Ben first when he was in Granville as a budding actor in the movie Capt. Jack with Sam. Pat and I reconnected with Ben in L.A. when we visited Sam. We've seen Ben appear occasionally in comercials on TV. Wednesday night as we watched CSI/NY...... THERE HE WAS..... OUR FRIEND BEN! (Anyone want to play 6 degrees from Ben Parillo??!!)
Ben portrayed a killer in the show but that was not revealed until the end. In this scene he is being charged with the murder.......and then.......
you could text the answer to the question and be entered to win $10,000! Do you think if we said we KNOW Ben Parillo that it would increase our chances to win the 10 grand?? Hey Ben....when you read this would you please enter a comment so that people will know we're not making this up????? PLEASE........


Anonymous said...

Oh Yea sure....I saw Peter Fonda at the sunset in Key West and Liza Minella at the Miami airport once too.

so did you text the right answer?

Pastorwes said...
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Pastorwes said...

You are proud of a Hollywood connection!? My what multilple channels on your TV has done to you!

TheVoiceofReason said...

Hi, this is Ben.

This picture is absolutely real and not fake and yes, I am an acquaintance of Willie and Pat.

My friend Sam -- by far the more well-known of the two of us -- lives in the Socialist United Republic of France (SURF) and has a lovely wife and daughter.

I live in La-La land and make movies and appear on TV!