Friday, March 10, 2006

Forever Friends

Over the years God in his providence has brought people into our lives from whom we have learned some of life's greatest lessons. Those lessons have come through what has to be some of life's most horrific challenges. Kay was the first and then others. During all this time Joyce too, here with her husband, Bill. Only they, God, Pat and I know the extent of their trauma and the pain they have undergone. Healing in their lives comes slow. In the process however, something else happens. A bond is formed unlike any other. They become "Forever Friends." Tonight I got a call from Kay who now lives in Georgia and visits us at church each time she's in town. In our guest bedroom hangs a poem she gave us. On the back is handwritten these words, "We have shared so much, good, bad and painful. Always know you've done your best." It was given to us at one of the lowest times of her recovery. It is signed, "A Forever Friend, Kay." It says,
If there's someone you can talk to...
Someone no one can replace
If there's someone you can laugh with
Till the tears run down your face...
If there's someone you can turn to
When you need a helping hand
If there's someone you can count on
To advise and understand...
If there's someone you can sit with
And not need to say a word
If there's someone you can trust
To keep each confidence they've heard
If there's someone you think more of
As each year comes to an end
You're a very lucky person
For you've found a Special Friend

We are thankful for these special "Forever Friends" who hold a very dear place in our lives and with whom we have shared some of life's most challenging "adventures." WE LOVE YOU EACH DEARLY! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Megan Hofacker said...

What a wonderful tribute to friendship. I have learned so much from all of them as well and feel very blessed that God brought them into our lives to learn from and to love.