Thursday, August 28, 2008

Seek First to Understand...and then be understood....

.........That's habit 5 of highly effective people....which I teach when I do corporate leadership training. Over the last three evenings before going to sleep I have been watching the speeches of Michelle, Hillary, Bill, Joe and tonight Martin Luthur King's "I have a dream" speech and then Barack. I will then listen next week to hear speeches by others who see things differently. One thing I have gained furthur and clearer understanding of is that I thank God for America and other places in the world who have protected freedom of speech. This wouldn't be happening in Iran!
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1 comment:

sam-a-lama-ding-dong said...

I must hold off any comment until we've all heard both sides but this picture of the next leaders of the free world is kinda nice.
oops: I said I'd hold off...