Wednesday, April 09, 2008

After a Long Hot Day of Work Around Bill's Botanical Gardens.....

..............there's nothing that quiet refreshes.....or..... a tall cold thirst quenching drink of BOTTLED WATER! But never fear......I didn't BUY this bottle.....instead it was given to me as a gift in time of need by my dear Pastor and friend who walked away muddering some scripture about ..........and if a bottle of water I've given to one of the least of these my brothers.............
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Gluten Free Gourmet said...

Okay...I am LAUGHING out LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!

Salle Beckwith said...

Yea - you better not buy a bottle of water THAT BIG, especially after your "soap box blog" about bottled water!!!
By the way - it's currently snowing and we've received about 8 inches here since Thursday night. Nice daffodils and shorts! Aarrgghh!