Saturday, September 16, 2006

A fog was over the valley this morning and fall was in the air....

We went to Dawes, our "special place." There we rediscovered there is no greater beauty in the universe than what God has created in nature. We found that beauty in
every scene we saw as we walked through the evergreen collection. As I walked ...I sang.....

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Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous - My neighbor Lynn and I noticed the beautiful spider webs this morning too.

God is Good!


Megan Hofacker said...

Awesome pics Dad! It is so beautiful there!! Oh, how I miss the country and my little buckeye tree. I was just talking about it to our friends just the other night! Beautiful photography as well!

Gluten Free Gourmet said...

Awesome wonder indeed!!! I was at Dawes with Carrie on Saturday morning, and observed many of the same things you have shown here - an incredible beauty for sure...

Love the photography! Thanks for sharing...


Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures to one of my most favorite hymns.

Anonymous said...'re eating what? oh come on now, all this greenery and natural "wonderment" (i believe a word coined by willie) and you don't have fresh baguette from the bakery, and a coffee mug from home? :-(
i hope you recycled the waste!