Monday, September 04, 2006


Reflecting on why I enjoy blog communication so:

Reading other's blogs....

- Helps me stay in closer touch with the lives of friends, family (thanks especially to Meg who keeps our minds tantalized with pictures of our beautiful grandaughters far away!)and those friends I make through blogging (That includes you, Chloe, over there on the other side of the planet!)
- It inspires me to read and evaluate what others see as important to help me evaluate and adjust my own set of values. (Thanks Pastor Wes for key insights)
- Each of our lives is so's like having a treasure chest of life experiences at the touch of a button.
- It helps bridge the generation gap...(thanks Elizabeth!)
- As Pat and I get older our world is going to shrink...This is and will be one way to "keep it big!" I enjoy checking on the blog of a lady in Arizona ( who loves blogging 80 years of age!

Publishing my own blog....
- Helps me communicate ideas and the beauty I see, especially in nature, to others. I take joy in publishing pictures of the beauty around me and writing captions about there meaning. Lil says after watching my blog she has canceled her subscription to Birds and Blooms magazine!
- I like hearing from others in far away places ...and nearby... when you comment on my adventure

Here for your enjoyment are what I saw from behind the lens in "our world" this morning!

We love each of you in our "blogging world!"

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Gluten Free Gourmet said...

Thanks for your encouragement!

from one blogger to another..thanks for being my inspiration. :)


chLOe said...

i love you guys too!! HUGS! :)
really nice meeting you!