One more week in the month of May....Time to reassess who we are, where we are on this adventure and where we are going.....BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND...Habit 2. This morning's sermon provided a real "gut check" as to what stuff really matters and what we are doing with this precious resource God has given us called time and life. As I visited a young man this week at Grant Hospital who is there 24/7 with his fiance' who met with a horrible accident which he blames on himself, I was confronted again with the realization of how quickly life can drastically precious every moment is. Because we want to make closer connections with the people around us with difficult and deep issues in their lives I have chosen to turn down recent offers to do traiining in Cleveland and Cincinnati. Pat and I want to devote more time to family and needy ones God has brought into our lives.....SSSSSOOOO....The part of the adventure which is JUNE will begin with a trip to Crossville Tenn to help continue to lay the groundwork to move Pat's Dad to Newark. Then it's off to Virginia Beach with Zoe and Addy to let them spend time with their cousins Hailey and Alyssa and Grandparents and give Megan and Pat a chance to do some Home Decor work before David gets back.....and's doing more work around Bill's Botanical and Pat's Secret gardens to prepare for the onset of family, friends and needy folks who just need people that love them and can provide some garden therapy! Jesus and the the disciples had such a garden they visited often next to the brook of Kidron.
Carpe Diem!