Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Visit To The New Licking Valley Elementary School

The long awaited new school consolidating the previous 4 elementary building is now OCCUPIED......

It is a beautiful, very functional, technologically up to date facility which I'm proud to say was launched and planned for when I served on the School Board.

....but a school is PEOPLE! Here Zoe and Addy pose with their new Principal, Sherry Crum who is a dear friend and excellent leader. She has that rare combination of savy, leadership, competence and personality that fit her to the important job of building human beings.....and .... does this man. Friend and former longtime Newark Principal, Jim Hoover, came out of retirement to serve as Principal at Perry school and assist in the transition into the new facility. Here he is approximaty 4 minutes before the end of his long illustrious career....doing what Jim does best....connecting to kids. For more pictures of the girl's rooms, lockers and friends....keep an eye on Zoe's blog at
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Megan Hofacker said...

Wow it looks awesome. Completely diff. from when I was there all you could see were pipes. drywall and dust. It's so neat that Zoe and Addy will be the first to try it out not to mention how close it is to them!

Gluten Free Gourmet said...

What an accomplishment...for everyone!

cj and ubee said...

I have a friend at work who's grandson is a K student there. Following the tour for parents and students, the children were asked what they liked best about the new school. Naturally a lot of them liked the new playground. This little fella liked the way the computers were hooked up to the big screens.
The girl's are in a long line of
" The first to occupy..." Pat and I were there on opening day of Ben Franklin and I believe you two were there for the NHS opening sessions.